br08901 KEGG pathway maps br08902 BRITE hierarchy files br08904 BRITE table files br08906 BRITE binary relation files br08907 KEGG network variation maps br08908 Taxonomy files br08001 Compounds with biological roles br08002 Lipids br08003 Phytochemical compounds br08005 Bioactive peptides br08006 Endocrine disrupting compounds br08007 Pesticides br08009 Natural toxins br08021 Glycosides br08120 O-antigens br08201 Enzymatic reactions br08202 IUBMB reaction hierarchy br08204 Reaction class br08203 Glycosyltransferase reactions br08303 Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification br08302 USP drug classification br08301 Therapeutic category of drugs in Japan br08313 Classification of Japanese OTC drugs br08312 Risk category of Japanese OTC drugs br08304 Traditional Chinese Medicine in Japan br08305 Crude drugs br08331 Animal drugs in Japan br08330 Drug groups br08332 Drug classes br08310 Target-based classification of drugs br08307 Antimicrobials br08327 Antimicrobials abbreviations br08311 Drugs listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia br08403 Human diseases in ICD-11 classification br08402 Pathway-based classification of diseases br08401 Genome-based classification of infectious diseases br08411 ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases br08410 ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases br08420 ICD-O-3 International Classification of Diseases for Oncology br08601 KEGG organisms br08610 KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy br08611 KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks br08612 KEGG organisms: animals br08613 KEGG organisms: plants br08614 KEGG organisms: fungi br08615 KEGG organisms: protists br08620 KEGG viruses in the NCBI taxonomy br08621 KEGG viruses in taxonomic ranks br08605 Plant pathogens