ENTRY ko03013 Pathway NAME Nucleocytoplasmic transport DESCRIPTION The exchange of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm is mediated through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) embedded in the nuclear envelope. The NPC is composed of highly conserved, distinct structural modules: the inner pore ring, the cytoplasmic and nuclear rings as well as the cytoplasmic filaments and the nuclear basket. Nuclear transport receptors (e.g. importins and exportins) mediate translocation of cargos through the NPC. Cargo proteins harbouring a nuclear export signal (NES) bind to exportins and Ran-GTP to form an export complex in the nucleoplasm. Nuclear export of bulk mRNA is provided by the non-karyopherin transport proteins TAP-p15 in a Ran-GTP-independent manner. Several EJC factors are known to function in mRNA export. CLASS Genetic Information Processing; Translation PATHWAY_MAP ko03013 Nucleocytoplasmic transport DBLINKS GO: 0050658 ORTHOLOGY K14320 aladin K14321 nucleoporin-like protein 2 K18723 nucleoporin GLE1 K18655 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX19/DBP5 [EC:] K14298 mRNA export factor K14297 nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 K14317 nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 K14318 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 K12172 E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 [EC:2.3.2.-] K14319 Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 K10577 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 I K12160 small ubiquitin-related modifier K14303 nuclear pore complex protein Nup160 K14304 nuclear pore complex protein Nup85 K14004 protein transport protein SEC13 K14301 nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 K14300 nuclear pore complex protein Nup133 K18720 nucleoporin NUP145 K14299 nucleoporin SEH1 K14305 nuclear pore complex protein Nup43 K14302 nuclear pore complex protein Nup37 K25129 protein ELYS K14306 nuclear pore complex protein Nup62 K14307 nucleoporin p58/p45 K14308 nuclear pore complex protein Nup54 K14310 nuclear pore complex protein Nup205 K14311 nuclear pore complex protein Nup188 K14312 nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 K14309 nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 K14313 nuclear pore complex protein Nup53 K18717 nucleoporin ASM4 K14315 nucleoporin NDC1 K14314 nuclear pore complex protein Nup210 K14316 nuclear pore complex protein Nup121 K18725 nucleoporin POM152 K18724 nucleoporin POM34 K20724 transmembrane protein 33 K09291 nucleoprotein TPR K14295 nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 K14296 nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 K03345 sentrin-specific protease 2 (axin associating molecule) [EC:] K18722 nucleoporin NUP2 K18721 nucleoporin NUP1 K18718 nucleoporin NUP60 K23940 importin subunit alpha-5 K15043 importin subunit alpha-1/8 K23583 importin subunit alpha-4/3 K15042 importin subunit alpha-6/7 K14293 importin subunit beta-1 K18752 transportin-1 K18727 transportin-2 K15436 transportin-3 K20221 importin-4 K20222 importin-5 K20223 importin-7 K18755 importin-8 K20224 importin-9 K25201 importin-11 K25202 importin-13 K13151 snurportin-1 K14290 exportin-1 K18423 exportin-2 (importin alpha re-exporter) K14288 exportin-T K25203 exportin-4 K14289 exportin-5 K25204 exportin-6 K18460 exportin-7 K24115 Ran-binding protein 17 K07936 GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran K03231 elongation factor 1-alpha K14291 phosphorylated adapter RNA export protein K12882 nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1 K12883 nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 K07562 60S ribosomal export protein NMD3 K12876 RNA-binding protein 8A K12877 protein mago nashi K14323 protein CASC3 K13025 ATP-dependent RNA helicase [EC:] K12875 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus K14324 histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP18 K14325 RNA-binding protein with serine-rich domain 1 K13114 pinin K12881 THO complex subunit 4 K14326 regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 [EC:] K14327 regulator of nonsense transcripts 2 K14328 regulator of nonsense transcripts 3 K14284 nuclear RNA export factor K14285 NTF2-related export protein 1/2 K14543 mRNA transport regulator MTR2 K12812 ATP-dependent RNA helicase UAP56/SUB2 [EC:] K13171 serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 1 K14294 partner of Y14 and mago K12878 THO complex subunit 1 K12879 THO complex subunit 2 K13174 THO complex subunit 5 K13175 THO complex subunit 6 K13176 THO complex subunit 7 K12880 THO complex subunit 3 REFERENCE PMID:16777596 AUTHORS Tran EJ, Wente SR TITLE Dynamic nuclear pore complexes: life on the edge. JOURNAL Cell 125:1041-53 (2006) DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2006.05.027 REFERENCE PMID:15519698 AUTHORS Rodriguez MS, Dargemont C, Stutz F TITLE Nuclear export of RNA. JOURNAL Biol Cell 96:639-55 (2004) DOI:10.1016/j.biolcel.2004.04.014 REFERENCE PMID:18313922 AUTHORS Palancade B, Doye V TITLE Sumoylating and desumoylating enzymes at nuclear pores: underpinning their unexpected duties? JOURNAL Trends Cell Biol 18:174-83 (2008) DOI:10.1016/j.tcb.2008.02.001 REFERENCE PMID:15901496 AUTHORS Reed R, Cheng H TITLE TREX, SR proteins and export of mRNA. JOURNAL Curr Opin Cell Biol 17:269-73 (2005) DOI:10.1016/j.ceb.2005.04.011 REFERENCE PMID:16314458 AUTHORS Tange TO, Shibuya T, Jurica MS, Moore MJ TITLE Biochemical analysis of the EJC reveals two new factors and a stable tetrameric protein core. JOURNAL RNA 11:1869-83 (2005) DOI:10.1261/rna.2155905 REFERENCE PMID:28673770 AUTHORS Beck M, Schirmacher P, Singer S TITLE Alterations of the nuclear transport system in hepatocellular carcinoma - New basis for therapeutic strategies. JOURNAL J Hepatol 67:1051-1061 (2017) DOI:10.1016/j.jhep.2017.06.021 REL_PATHWAY ko03015 mRNA surveillance pathway ///