ENTRY ko02020 Pathway NAME Two-component system DESCRIPTION Two-component signal transduction systems enable bacteria to sense, respond, and adapt to changes in their environment or in their intracellular state. Each two-component system consists of a sensor protein-histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). In the prototypical two-component pathway, the sensor HK phosphorylates its own conserved His residue in response to a signal(s) in the environment. Subsequently, the phosphoryl group of HK is transferred onto a specific Asp residue on the RR. The activated RR can then effect changes in cellular physiology, often by regulating gene expression. Two-component pathways thus often enable cells to sense and respond to stimuli by inducing changes in transcription. CLASS Environmental Information Processing; Signal transduction PATHWAY_MAP ko02020 Two-component system MODULE M00651 Vancomycin resistance, D-Ala-D-Lac type [PATH:ko02020] M00652 Vancomycin resistance, D-Ala-D-Ser type [PATH:ko02020] DBLINKS GO: 0000160 ORTHOLOGY K07636 two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon sensor histidine kinase PhoR [EC:] K07657 two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator PhoB K07658 two-component system, OmpR family, alkaline phosphatase synthesis response regulator PhoP K01077 alkaline phosphatase [EC:] K01113 alkaline phosphatase D [EC:] K07768 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SenX3 [EC:] K07776 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RegX3 K02040 phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein K07637 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PhoQ [EC:] K07660 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PhoP K07804 putatice virulence related protein PagC K07790 putative membrane protein PagO K07805 putative membrane protein PagD K07801 PhoPQ-activated protein K08477 outer membrane protease E [EC:3.4.21.-] K09474 acid phosphatase (class A) [EC:] K07638 two-component system, OmpR family, osmolarity sensor histidine kinase EnvZ [EC:] K07659 two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator OmpR K09475 outer membrane pore protein C K09476 outer membrane pore protein F K07640 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CpxA [EC:] K07662 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CpxR K25864 modulator protein MzrA K07639 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase RstB [EC:] K07661 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RstA K07650 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CssS [EC:] K07770 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CssR K04771 serine protease Do [EC:] K07641 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CreC [EC:] K07663 two-component system, OmpR family, catabolic regulation response regulator CreB K07642 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BaeS [EC:] K07664 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BaeR K07799 membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system K07788 multidrug efflux pump K07789 multidrug efflux pump K18326 MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein K18321 membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system K18322 multidrug efflux pump K18323 outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system K18324 multidrug efflux pump K07643 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BasS [EC:] K07771 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BasR K07806 UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose-oxoglutarate aminotransferase [EC:] K07644 two-component system, OmpR family, heavy metal sensor histidine kinase CusS [EC:] K07665 two-component system, OmpR family, copper resistance phosphate regulon response regulator CusR K07796 outer membrane protein, copper/silver efflux system K07810 Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system periplasmic protein CusF K07798 membrane fusion protein, copper/silver efflux system K07787 copper/silver efflux system protein K07645 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase QseC [EC:] K07666 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator QseB K02403 flagellar transcriptional activator FlhD K02402 flagellar transcriptional activator FlhC K02406 flagellin K02405 RNA polymerase sigma factor FliA K02556 chemotaxis protein MotA K07646 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase KdpD [EC:] K07667 two-component system, OmpR family, KDP operon response regulator KdpE K01546 potassium-transporting ATPase potassium-binding subunit K01547 potassium-transporting ATPase ATP-binding subunit [EC:] K01548 potassium-transporting ATPase KdpC subunit K01545 potassium-transporting ATPase KdpF subunit K07647 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TorS [EC:] K07772 two-component system, OmpR family, torCAD operon response regulator TorR K03532 trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorC K07811 trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] K03533 TorA specific chaperone K07648 two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control sensor histidine kinase ArcB [EC:] K07773 two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control protein ArcA K07649 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TctE [EC:] K07774 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TctD K07793 putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein K07794 putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein K07795 putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein K07651 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ResE [EC:] K07775 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ResD K02259 heme a synthase [EC:] K07652 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VicK [EC:] K07668 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VicR K00689 dextransucrase [EC:] K00692 levansucrase [EC:] K07653 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MprB [EC:] K07669 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MprA K08372 putative serine protease PepD [EC:3.4.21.-] K07654 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MtrB [EC:] K07670 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MtrA K02313 chromosomal replication initiator protein K07655 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PrrB [EC:] K07671 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PrrA K07656 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TrcS [EC:] K07672 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TrcR K11328 two-component system, OmpR family, Ni(II)-sensor and/or redox sensor kinase NrsS [EC:] K11330 two-component system, OmpR family, Ni(II)-responsive and/or redox-responsive regulator NrsR K11327 membrane fusion protein, cation efflux system K11326 cation efflux system protein involved in nickel and cobalt tolerance K11331 cation efflux system protein involved in nickel and cobalt tolerance [EC:] K07785 MFS transporter, NRE family, putaive nickel resistance protein K11520 two-component system, OmpR family, manganese sensing sensor histidine kinase [EC:] K11521 two-component system, OmpR family, manganese sensing response regulator K11601 manganese transport system substrate-binding protein K11603 manganese transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] K11602 manganese transport system permease protein K07769 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase NblS [EC:] K11332 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator NblR K08479 two-component system, OmpR family, clock-associated histidine kinase SasA [EC:] K10697 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaA K11329 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaB K10681 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SaeS [EC:] K10682 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator SaeR K11629 two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance sensor histidine kinase BceS [EC:] K11630 two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance response regulator BceR K11631 bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein K11632 bacitracin transport system permease protein K19084 bacitracin transport system permease protein K19083 bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein K19081 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BraS/BceS [EC:] K19082 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein BraR/BceR K19080 cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system permease protein K19079 cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system ATP-binding protein K19077 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase GraS [EC:] K19078 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein GraR K03367 D-alanine--poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 1 [EC:] K03739 membrane protein involved in D-alanine export K14188 D-alanine--poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 2 [EC:] K03740 D-alanine transfer protein K14205 phosphatidylglycerol lysyltransferase [EC:] K11633 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase YxdK [EC:] K11634 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator YxdJ K11635 putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein K11636 putative ABC transport system permease protein K14980 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ChvG [EC:] K14981 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ChvI K14982 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CiaH [EC:] K14983 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CiaR K15860 regulatory peptide CiaX K18072 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase ParS [EC:] K18073 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ParR K18093 imipenem/basic amino acid-specific outer membrane pore [EC:3.4.21.-] K18094 membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system K18095 multidrug efflux pump K18345 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] K18350 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] K18351 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] K18344 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR K18349 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR K18352 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR K15739 D-alanine---(R)-lactate ligase [EC:] K18347 D-specific alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] K08641 zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase [EC:] K07260 zinc D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase [EC:] K18346 vancomycin resistance protein VanW K18354 vancomycin resistance protein VanK K18353 vancomycin resistance protein VanJ K18856 D-alanine---D-serine ligase [EC:] K18866 zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase/carboxypeptidase [EC:] K18348 serine/alanine racemase [EC:] K18940 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ArlS [EC:] K18941 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ArlR K18986 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase Ihk [EC:] K18987 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator Irr K19609 two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PfeS [EC:] K19610 two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PfeR K19611 ferric enterobactin receptor K20487 two-component system, OmpR family, lantibiotic biosynthesis sensor histidine kinase NisK/SpaK [EC:] K20488 two-component system, OmpR family, lantibiotic biosynthesis response regulator NisR/SpaR K20482 lantibiotic bacteriocin K20483 class I lanthipeptide synthase [EC:] K20484 class I lanthipeptide synthase [EC:] K20485 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial NisT/SpaT K20486 lantibiotic leader peptide-processing serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] K20489 lantibiotic immunity protein K20490 lantibiotic transport system ATP-binding protein K20491 lantibiotic transport system permease protein K20492 lantibiotic transport system permease protein K20494 lantibiotic transport system permease protein K02491 two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase A [EC:] K07697 two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase B [EC:] K06347 kinase-associated protein B K07698 two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase C [EC:] K13532 two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase D [EC:] K13533 two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase E [EC:] K02490 two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein F K06375 stage 0 sporulation protein B (sporulation initiation phosphotransferase) [EC:2.7.-.-] K07699 two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein A K07700 two-component system, CitB family, cit operon sensor histidine kinase CitA [EC:] K07702 two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitB K01910 [citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase [EC:] K01646 citrate lyase subunit gamma (acyl carrier protein) K01644 citrate lyase subunit beta / citryl-CoA lyase [EC:] K01643 citrate lyase subunit alpha / citrate CoA-transferase [EC:] K05964 holo-ACP synthase [EC:] K05966 triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] K13927 holo-ACP synthase / triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] K09477 citrate:succinate antiporter K07780 AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator required for anaerobic and stationary phase induction of genes K11637 two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase CitS [EC:] K11638 two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitT K11639 Mg2+/citrate complex secondary transporter K07701 two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DcuS [EC:] K07703 two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DcuR K07792 anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuB K11691 two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] K11692 two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DctR K11614 two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase MalK [EC:] K11615 two-component system, CitB family, response regulator MalR K00027 malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) [EC:] K11616 malate:Na+ symporter K07704 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase LytS [EC:] K07705 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator LytT K05338 holin-like protein K05339 holin-like protein LrgB K08082 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AlgZ [EC:] K08083 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AlgR K00066 GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] K11640 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase NatK [EC:] K11641 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator NatR K09697 sodium transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] K09696 sodium transport system permease protein K07813 accessory gene regulator B K07800 AgrD protein K07706 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AgrC [EC:] K07707 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AgrA K20339 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AgrC2 [EC:] K20340 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AgrA2 K12292 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial, competence factor transporting protein [EC:3.4.22.-] K12293 competence factor transport accessory protein ComB K12415 competence-stimulating peptide K12294 two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase ComD [EC:] K12295 two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator ComE K12296 competence protein ComX K07673 two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarX [EC:] K07684 two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarL K07674 two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarQ [EC:] K07685 two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarP K00370 nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, alpha subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] K00371 nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, beta subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] K00374 nitrate reductase gamma subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] K00373 nitrate reductase molybdenum cofactor assembly chaperone NarJ/NarW K08348 formate dehydrogenase-N, alpha subunit [EC:] K08349 formate dehydrogenase-N, beta subunit K08350 formate dehydrogenase-N, gamma subunit K00244 succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit [EC:] K00245 succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] K00246 succinate dehydrogenase subunit C K00247 succinate dehydrogenase subunit D K07783 MFS transporter, OPA family, sugar phosphate sensor protein UhpC K07675 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase UhpB [EC:] K07686 two-component system, NarL family, uhpT operon response regulator UhpA K07784 MFS transporter, OPA family, hexose phosphate transport protein UhpT K20263 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase FusK [EC:] K20264 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator FusR K20552 transcriptional regulator of LEE operons K06080 RcsF protein K07677 two-component system, NarL family, capsular synthesis sensor histidine kinase RcsC [EC:] K07676 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase RcsD [EC:] K07781 LuxR family transcriptional regulator, capsular biosynthesis positive transcription factor K07687 two-component system, NarL family, captular synthesis response regulator RcsB K07678 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase BarA [EC:] K07689 two-component system, NarL family, invasion response regulator UvrY K07782 LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SdiA K03563 carbon storage regulator K02253 competence protein ComX K07680 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase ComP [EC:] K07691 two-component system, NarL family, competent response regulator ComA K02252 competence protein ComS K07679 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase EvgS [EC:] K07690 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator EvgA K07797 multidrug resistance protein K K07786 MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein K23236 two-component-system connector protein SafA K07688 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator, fimbrial Z protein, FimZ K01467 beta-lactamase class C [EC:] K07777 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DegS [EC:] K07692 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DegU K07778 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DesK [EC:] K07693 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DesR K10255 acyl-lipid omega-6 desaturase (Delta-12 desaturase) [EC:] K07681 two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance sensor histidine kinase VraS [EC:] K07694 two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance associated response regulator VraR K11617 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase LiaS [EC:] K11618 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator LiaR K11619 lia operon protein LiaI K11620 lia operon protein LiaH K11621 lia operon protein LiaG K11622 lia operon protein LiaF K07682 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DevS [EC:] K27105 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DosT [EC:] K07695 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DevR K07683 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase NreB [EC:] K07696 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator NreC K10851 nitrogen regulatory protein A K10850 MFS transporter, NNP family, putative nitrate transporter K11623 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase YdfH [EC:] K11624 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator YdfI K11625 membrane protein YdfJ K14988 two-component system, NarL family, secretion system sensor histidine kinase SalK K14989 two-component system, NarL family, secretion system response regulator SalR K27076 two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase PprA [EC:] K27077 two-component system, NarL family, response regulator PprB K27078 spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 K07346 fimbrial chaperone protein K07347 outer membrane usher protein K02651 pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA K02279 pilus assembly protein CpaB K02280 pilus assembly protein CpaC K02282 pilus assembly protein CpaE K02283 pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:] K12510 tight adherence protein B K12511 tight adherence protein C K27079 tight adherence protein D K27080 tight adherence protein G K00990 [protein-PII] uridylyltransferase [EC:] K04751 nitrogen regulatory protein P-II 1 K07708 two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase GlnL [EC:] K07712 two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator GlnG K01915 glutamine synthetase [EC:] K13598 two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase NtrY [EC:] K13599 two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator NtrX K02584 Nif-specific regulatory protein K07709 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HydH [EC:] K07713 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HydG K07803 zinc resistance-associated protein K07710 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase AtoS [EC:] K07714 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AtoC K01034 acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase alpha subunit [EC:] K01035 acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase beta subunit [EC:] K02106 short-chain fatty acids transporter K00626 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase [EC:] K08478 phosphoglycerate transport regulatory protein PgtC K08475 two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system sensor histidine kinase PgtB [EC:] K08476 two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system response regulator PgtA K11382 MFS transporter, OPA family, phosphoglycerate transporter protein K10125 two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport sensor histidine kinase DctB [EC:] K10126 two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport response regulator DctD K11103 aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transport protein K02668 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase PilS [EC:] K02667 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator PilR K03092 RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor K02650 type IV pilus assembly protein PilA K11383 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase KinB [EC:] K11384 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AlgB K07711 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase GlrK [EC:] K07715 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator GlrR K15841 small regulatory RNA GlmY K23548 uptake hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] K23549 uptake hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] K19661 two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HupT/HoxJ [EC:] K19641 two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HupR/HoxA K06282 hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] K06281 hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] K03620 Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit K00575 chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR [EC:] K13924 two-component system, chemotaxis family, CheB/CheR fusion protein [EC:] K03406 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein K05874 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein I, serine sensor receptor K05875 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II, aspartate sensor receptor K05876 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III, ribose and galactose sensor receptor K05877 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IV, peptide sensor receptor K03776 aerotaxis receptor K03408 purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW K03407 two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase CheA [EC:] K03413 two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheY K03412 two-component system, chemotaxis family, protein-glutamate methylesterase/glutaminase [EC:] K03415 two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheV K02661 type IV pilus assembly protein PilK K02660 twitching motility protein PilJ K02659 twitching motility protein PilI K06596 chemosensory pili system protein ChpA (sensor histidine kinase/response regulator) K02657 twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilG K02658 twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilH K11525 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein PixJ K11524 positive phototaxis protein PixI K11526 two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator PixL K11522 two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator PixG K11523 two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator PixH K06597 chemosensory pili system protein ChpB (putative protein-glutamate methylesterase) K06598 chemosensory pili system protein ChpC K13486 chemotaxis protein methyltransferase WspC K13487 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein WspA K13488 chemotaxis-related protein WspB K13489 chemotaxis-related protein WspD K13490 two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator WspE K13491 two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspF [EC:] K11444 two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspR [EC:] K11354 two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase Cph1 [EC:] K11355 two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator Rcp1 K07716 two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase PleC [EC:] K02488 two-component system, cell cycle response regulator [EC:] K11357 two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase DivJ [EC:] K11443 two-component system, cell cycle response regulator DivK K13587 two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase and response regulator CckA [EC:] K13588 histidine phosphotransferase ChpT K13584 two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CtrA K13589 two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CpdR K02489 two-component system, glycerol uptake and utilization sensor kinase [EC:] K18444 two-component system, glycerol uptake and utilization response regulator K10910 autoinducer 2-binding periplasmic protein LuxP K10909 two-component system, autoinducer 2 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxQ [EC: 3.1.3.-] K10916 two-component system, CAI-1 autoinducer sensor kinase/phosphatase CqsS [EC: 3.1.3.-] K15850 two-component system, autoinducer 1 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxN [EC: 3.1.3.-] K10911 two-component system, phosphorelay protein LuxU K10912 two-component system, repressor protein LuxO K15851 quorum regulatory RNA Qrr K10913 TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, hemagglutinin/protease regulatory protein K03400 long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase [EC:] K15853 acyl transferase [EC:2.3.1.-] K00494 alkanal monooxygenase alpha chain [EC:] K15854 alkanal monooxygenase beta chain [EC:] K06046 long-chain-fatty-acid---luciferin-component ligase [EC:] K11711 two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] K11712 two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator DctR K11688 C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein DctP K11689 C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctQ subunit K11690 C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit K13040 two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase TtrS [EC:] K13041 two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator TtrR K08357 tetrathionate reductase subunit A K08358 tetrathionate reductase subunit B K08359 tetrathionate reductase subunit C K14986 two-component system, LuxR family, sensor kinase FixL [EC:] K14987 two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator FixJ K15861 CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen fixation regulation protein K14978 two-component system, LuxR family, secretion system sensor histidine kinase SsrA K14979 two-component system, LuxR family, secretion system response regulator SsrB K10941 sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, flagellar regulatory protein K10942 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase FlrB [EC:] K10943 two-component system, response regulator FlrC K17060 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase AauS [EC:] K17061 two-component system, response regulator AauR K10004 glutamate/aspartate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] K10002 glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein K10003 glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein K10001 glutamate/aspartate transport system substrate-binding protein K05597 glutamin-(asparagin-)ase [EC:] K11231 osomolarity two-component system, sensor histidine kinase SLN1 [EC:] K19690 osomolarity two-component system, sensor histidine kinase CHK1 [EC:] K19691 osomolarity two-component system, sensor histidine kinase NIK1 [EC:] K19692 osomolarity two-component system, sensor histidine kinase TcsA [EC:] K11232 osomolarity two-component system, phosphorelay intermediate protein YPD1 K11233 osomolarity two-component system, response regulator SSK1 K11230 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase [EC:] K15859 osomolarity two-component system, response regulator SKN7 K10715 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RpfC [EC:] K13815 two-component system, response regulator RpfG K10914 CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, cyclic AMP receptor protein K13816 DSF synthase K07717 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase GlnK [EC:] K07719 two-component system, response regulator GlnL K01425 glutaminase [EC:] K11626 putative sodium/glutamine symporter K25211 hexose phosphate transport regulatory protein HptA K25212 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase HptS [EC:] K25213 two-component system, response regulator HptR K07718 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase YesM [EC:] K07720 two-component system, response regulator YesN K11356 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator [EC:] K15011 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RegB [EC:] K15012 two-component system, response regulator RegA K08930 light-harvesting protein B-800-850 alpha chain K08939 light-harvesting protein B-800-850 beta chain K13994 photosynthetic reaction center PufX protein K08929 photosynthetic reaction center M subunit K08928 photosynthetic reaction center L subunit K08926 light-harvesting complex 1 alpha chain K08927 light-harvesting complex 1 beta chain K13991 photosynthetic reaction center H subunit K00411 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] K00412 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit K00413 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit K00410 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b/c1 subunit K08738 cytochrome c K00404 cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I [EC:] K00405 cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit II K15862 cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I/II [EC:] K00407 cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit IV K00406 cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit III K00425 cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] K00426 cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] K00424 cytochrome bd-I ubiquinol oxidase subunit X [EC:] K22501 cytochrome bd-II ubiquinol oxidase subunit AppX [EC:] K19616 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator FitF [EC:] K19617 two-component system, response regulator FitH K19618 LysR family transcriptional regulator, activator of insecticidal toxin K12530 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxB K12532 membrane fusion protein, RTX toxin transport system K12531 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxE K12340 outer membrane protein K19615 insecticidal toxin K19620 extracellular factor (EF) 3-hydroxypalmitic acid methyl ester biosynthesis protein K19621 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase PhcS [EC:] K19622 two-component system, response regulator PhcR K19624 LysR family transcriptional regulator, virulence genes transcriptional regulator K19667 transcriptional activator of eps genes K01991 polysaccharide biosynthesis/export protein K25307 low molecular weight protein-tyrosine phosphatase [EC:] K16692 tyrosine-protein kinase Etk/Wzc [EC:] K01791 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (non-hydrolysing) [EC:] K02472 UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase [EC:] K16712 EPS I polysaccharide export inner membrane protein EpsE K16713 EPS I polysaccharide export inner membrane protein EpsF K01051 pectinesterase [EC:] K01179 endoglucanase [EC:] K19668 cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase [EC:] K13061 acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] K19666 LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SolR K23514 RNA polymerase sigma-19 factor, ECF subfamily K07165 transmembrane sensor K20973 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase SagS [EC:] K20974 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase [EC:] K20975 two-component system, sensor histidine kinase [EC:] K20976 histidine phosphotransfer protein HptB K20977 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