ENTRY ko00940 Pathway NAME Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis DESCRIPTION Phenylpropanoids are a group of plant secondary metabolites derived from phenylalanine and having a wide variety of functions both as structural and signaling molecules. Phenylalanine is first converted to cinnamic acid by deamination. It is followed by hydroxylation and frequent methylation to generate coumaric acid and other acids with a phenylpropane (C6-C3) unit. Reduction of the CoA-activated carboxyl groups of these acids results in the corresponding aldehydes and alcohols. The alcohols are called monolignols, the starting compounds for biosynthesis of lignin. CLASS Metabolism; Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites PATHWAY_MAP ko00940 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis MODULE M00039 Monolignol biosynthesis, phenylalanine/tyrosine => monolignol [PATH:ko00940] M00137 Flavanone biosynthesis, phenylalanine => naringenin [PATH:ko00940] DBLINKS GO: 0009699 ORTHOLOGY K10775 phenylalanine ammonia-lyase [EC:] K13064 phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase [EC:] K00487 trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase [EC:] K01904 4-coumarate--CoA ligase [EC:] K13065 shikimate O-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase [EC:] K09754 5-O-(4-coumaroyl)-D-quinate 3'-monooxygenase [EC:] K18368 caffeoylshikimate esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] K00588 caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase [EC:] K09753 cinnamoyl-CoA reductase [EC:] K12355 coniferyl-aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] K09755 ferulate-5-hydroxylase [EC:1.14.-.-] K13066 caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase / acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase [EC:] K00083 cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] K22395 cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] K11188 peroxiredoxin 6 [EC: 3.1.1.-] K00430 peroxidase [EC:] K03782 catalase-peroxidase [EC:] K12356 coniferyl-alcohol glucosyltransferase [EC:] K17054 coniferyl alcohol acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] K17055 eugenol synthase [EC:] K17056 isoeugenol synthase [EC:] K17057 (iso)eugenol O-methyltransferase [EC:] K17058 eugenol/chavicol O-methyltransferase [EC:] K17059 trans-anol O-methyltransferase [EC:] K13068 sinapate 1-glucosyltransferase [EC:] K09756 serine carboxypeptidase-like 19 [EC:3.4.16.-] K09757 serine carboxypeptidase-like 8 [EC:3.4.16.-] K20039 phenacrylate decarboxylase [EC:] K03186 flavin prenyltransferase [EC:] K13727 phenacrylate decarboxylase [EC:] K15506 cytochrome P450 family 98 subfamily A8 [EC:1.14.13.-] K23662 cytochrome P450 family 98 subfamily A9 [EC:1.14.13.-] K13067 putative caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] COMPOUND C00079 L-Phenylalanine C00082 L-Tyrosine C00223 p-Coumaroyl-CoA C00315 Spermidine C00323 Caffeoyl-CoA C00406 Feruloyl-CoA C00411 Sinapoyl-CoA C00423 trans-Cinnamate C00482 Sinapate C00540 Cinnamoyl-CoA C00590 Coniferyl alcohol C00761 Coniferin C00811 4-Coumarate C00852 Chlorogenate C00903 Cinnamaldehyde C00933 Sinapine C01175 1-O-Sinapoyl-beta-D-glucose C01197 Caffeate C01494 Ferulate C01533 Syringin C02325 Sinapyl alcohol C02646 4-Coumaryl alcohol C02666 Coniferyl aldehyde C02887 Sinapoyl malate C02947 4-Coumaroylshikimate C04366 3-(2-Carboxyethenyl)-cis,cis-muconate C05608 4-Hydroxycinnamyl aldehyde C05610 Sinapoyl aldehyde C05619 5-Hydroxyferulic acid C05627 4-Hydroxystyrene C05855 4-Hydroxycinnamyl alcohol 4-D-glucoside C06224 3,4-Dihydroxystyrene C10428 Anethole C10434 5-O-Caffeoylshikimic acid C10452 Estragole C10453 Eugenol C10454 Methyleugenol C10469 Isoeugenol C10478 Methylisoeugenol C10945 Caffeic aldehyde C12203 5-Hydroxyferuloyl-CoA C12204 5-Hydroxyconiferaldehyde C12205 5-Hydroxyconiferyl alcohol C12206 Caffeyl alcohol C12208 p-Coumaroyl quinic acid C15804 p-Hydroxyphenyl lignin C15805 Guaiacyl lignin C15806 Syringyl lignin C15807 5-Hydroxy-guaiacyl lignin C16930 Chavicol C18069 N1,N5,N10-Tricoumaroyl spermidine C18070 N1,N5,N10-Tricaffeoyl spermidine C18071 N1,N5,N10-Triferuloyl spermidine C18072 N1,N5,N10-Tri(hydroxyferuloyl) spermidine C18073 N1,N5-Di(hydroxyferuloyl)-N10-sinapoyl spermidine C20225 Coniferyl acetate C20464 Isochavicol C20465 Coumaryl acetate REFERENCE PMID:14729911 AUTHORS Nair RB, Bastress KL, Ruegger MO, Denault JW, Chapple C. 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JOURNAL Plant Cell 14:1185-9 (2002) DOI:10.1105/tpc.140610 REL_PATHWAY ko00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis ko00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis ko00941 Flavonoid biosynthesis ko00945 Stilbenoid, diarylheptanoid and gingerol biosynthesis ///